Astec Whisper Jet® Burner
The Astec Whisper Jet® burner delivers unmatched reliability and hassle-free maintenance.
The Whisper Jet burner cleanly and efficiently burns oil, natural gas, or propane and its compact flame makes it compatible with virtually all drum designs without complicated adjustments.
Rapidly swirling high energy air is the key to the Whisper Jet burner’s efficient combustion. The swirling air and flame are created by the fixed internal spin vanes and the patented castellated nose, ring, and nozzle design.
The Whisper Jet burner uses unique patented technology to burn clean and efficiently. True to its name, the Whisper Jet burner is designed and equipped to reduce burner noise over competitive burners.
Maintenance and downtime are virtually eliminated by the careful design of the Whisper Jet burner. The Whisper Jet burner uses the highest quality, field-proven components.
Asphalt Mixing
A thermal mixing process is required to turn aggregates and liquid AC into an asphalt pavement mix for road construction. This makes an asphalt mixing plant necessary for road construction. The complete line of Astec asphalt mixing plants, and its range of capacities and features, gives you the choices and flexibility to create your optimum solution.Learn More
Key Specifications
All specifications subject to change without notice.
Above conditions are standard at 75° F at sea level. See detailed capacity, performance sheets for each size for more information and specific flows and pressures. Nominal aggregate drying capacity based on typical exhaust stack temperatures of 240° F, 0.2 BTU/Lbm F specific heat in the aggregate. Burner maximum design capacity is 110% of rated capacity. Advertised numbers are achievable in some conditions, but not guaranteed.
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